Identification and Teaching of Students with Specific Learning Disability: Counselling Implications
ABSTRACT: This study – using the qualitative approach and literature review – investigates identification and teaching of students with specific learning disability and its counselling implications. The study revealed challenges that are quite universal for teaching learners with developmental disability. The study establishes that learners with developmental disability pose challenges to special needs education teachers. Teachers in this study expressed the need for reduced class sizes, modern teaching materials, motivations to teachers, and additional support services from the government. This study also showed that placement of learners with developmental disability in the inclusive classrooms with ordinary learners is not enough, for example learners with developmental disability at school placed in an ordinary class with no proper support. It is important to make sure that learners with developmental disability receive all the necessary support and services for accessing the curriculum facilities. Lastly, the study suggested that government should give priorities to special case, such as learners with developmental disability; collaboration between special needs education teachers and parents for children with developmental disability is necessary for the wellbeing of their children; and in order to improve the poor learning environment for special needs educational for children with developmental disability, the teachers, parents/guardians, society, and government should work together.
KEY WORDS: Identification; Teaching; Students; Learning Disability.
About the Author: Florence Bosede Famolu, Ph.D. is a Lecturer at the Department of Guidance and Counselling, Faculty of Education, Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria. For academic interests, the Author is able to be contacted via e-mail address at:
Suggested Citation: Famolu, Florence Bosede. (2020). “Identification and Teaching of Students with Specific Learning Disability: Counselling Implications” in TAWARIKH: Journal of Historical Studies, Volume 12(1), October, pp.93-110. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI, with ISSN 2085-0980 (print) and ISSN 2685-2284 (online).
Article Timeline: Accepted (May 20, 2020); Revised (July 3, 2020); and Published (October 30, 2020).
Full Text:
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