Sultan Zainal Abidin Syah: From the Kingdom of Tidore to the Republic of Indonesia
ABSTRACT: This paper – using the qualitative approach, historical method, and literature review – discusses Zainal Abidin Syah as the first Governor of West Irian and, at the same time, as Sultan of Tidore in North Maluku, Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the political process of the West Irian struggle will not have an important influence in the Indonesian revolution without the firmness of the Tidore Sultanate, namely Sultan Zainal Abidin Syah. The assertion given by Sultan Zainal Abidin Syah in rejecting the results of the KMB (Konferensi Meja Bundar or Round Table Conference) in 1949, because the KMB sought to separate West Irian from Indonesian territory. The appointment of Zainal Abidin Syah as Sultan took place in Denpasar, Bali, in 1946, and his coronation was carried out a year later in January 1947 in Soa Sio, Tidore. Zainal Abidin Syah was as the first Governor of West Irian, which was installed on 23rd September 1956. Ali Sastroamidjojo's Cabinet formed the Province of West Irian, whose capital was located in Soa Sio. The inauguration took place on 17th August 1956, which included the territory of the Province of West Irian which was still occupied by the Netherlands, and the areas of Tidore, Oba, Weda, Patani, and Wasile in North Maluku. Throughout his life, Sultan Zainal Abidin Syah served the Republic's interests in order to achieve national unity with a commitment to fight for West Irian to be part of Indonesia.
KEY WORDS: Zainal Abidin Syah; Sultan of Tidore; Governor of West Irian; Political Struggle; Indonesian National Unity.
About the Authors: Dr. Abdul Haris Fatgehipon is a Lecturer at the Department of PIPS (Social Studies Education), Faculty of Social Science UNJ (State University of Jakarta), K Building, UNJ Campus, Jalan Rawamangun, Jakarta, Indonesia. Satriono Priyo Utomo, M.Hum. is a Lecturer at the Department of History Education, Faculty of Social Science UNJ in Jakarta, Indonesia. For academic interests, the Authors are able to be contacted via e-mail address at: and
Suggested Citation: Fatgehipon, Abdul Haris & Satriono Priyo Utomo. (2020). “Sultan Zainal Abidin Syah: From the Kingdom of Tidore to the Republic of Indonesia” in TAWARIKH: Journal of Historical Studies, Volume 12(1), October, pp.49-92. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI, with ISSN 2085-0980 (print) and ISSN 2685-2284 (online).
Article Timeline: Accepted (July 27, 2020); Revised (August 31, 2020); and Published (October 30, 2020).
Full Text:
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