Tri Tangtu on Sunda Wiwitan Doctrine in the XIV-XVII Century
ABSTRACT: This article aims to reconstruct the concept of “Tri Tangtu” in the “Sunda Wiwitan” doctrine in the XIV-XVII century, when the Sunda kingdom in West Java, Indonesia was under the reign of Niskala Wastu (-kancana) at Surawisesa Palace in Kawali, Ciamis, until its collapse in 1579 AD (Anno Domini). “Tri Tangtu” absorbs the three to unite, one for three, essentially three things in fact one, the things and paradoxical attributes fused into and expanded outward. The outside looks calm, firm, one, but inside is continuously active in its entirety in various activities. This concept is still also continues on indigenous of Kanekes (Baduy) in Banten, Western Java. In achieving that goal, historical methods are used, consisting of heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. In the context of explanation used social sciences theory, namely socio-anthropology through the theory of religion proposed by Clifford Geertz (1973), namely religion as a cultural system that coherently explains the involvement between religion and culture. The results of this study show that the concept of “Tri Tangtu” consists of “Tri Tangtu dina Raga (Salira)”; “Tri Tangtu dina Nagara”; and “Tri Tangtu dina Buana”. About “Tri Tangtu dina Raga” is a system of human reciprocal relationship to the transcendent with “lampah, tekad, ucap (bayu-sabda-hedap)” or deed, strong will, and word. “Tri Tangtu dina Nagara” is a unity of “Rsi-Ratu-Rama” or Cleric, Ruler, and a Wise Oldmen. Lastly, “Tri Tangtu dina Buana” is a relationship between Lord or “Hiyang/Hyang”, the universe, and human beings that must be harmoniously intertwined.
KEY WORDS: Sundanese Community; “Tri Tangtu” Teaching; Human Relationship; Harmoniously in Diversities.
About the Authors: Etty Saringendyanti, M.Hum. is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UNPAD (University of Padjadjaran) Bandung, West Java, Indonesia; and now as a Doctor Candidate at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UNPAD Bandung. Prof. Dr. Nina Herlina and Dr. Mumuh Muhsin Zakaria are the Lecturers at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UNPAD Bandung; and both of them as Etty Saringendyanti’s promotors in Doctoral Program. E-mails address:,, and
Suggested Citation: Saringendyanti, Etty, Nina Herlina & Mumuh Muhsin Zakaria. (2018). “Tri Tangtu on Sunda Wiwitan Doctrine in the XIV-XVII Century” in TAWARIKH: Journal of Historical Studies, Volume 10(1), October, pp.1-14. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI, ISSN 2085-0980 (print).
Article Timeline: Accepted (July 3, 2018); Revised (August 31, 2018); and Published (October 30, 2018).
Full Text:
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