Internalization of Character Education in the SMPIT As-Syifa Boarding School

Asep Sopian


ABSTRACT: The majority of parents are always aware of children’s test results, ranks, and scores instead of supporting them to build character and to possess good behavior. They feel very disappointed if their children are not good at academic subjects. On the contrary, children’s bad attitudes do not influence parents to help children improve their moral character. This is one of indicators that they ignore their responsibility to develop moral values in children. This study tries to describe the outcomes of a research on the internalization of character education in SMPIT (Integrated Islamic Junior High School) As-Syifa Boarding School in Subang, West Java, Indonesia. The research method that was used is qualitative descriptive with data collecting technique through observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentation. The findings show that SMPIT As-Syifa Boarding School applies ten qualities of students’ character; the accomplishment of character education is collective responsibility (entire academic community in SMPIT As-Syifa Boarding School, parents, and environment); internalization process of character education is accomplished through four methods, namely: socialization, teaching and learning, habituation, and role model; and the internalization evaluation of character education in SMPIT As-Syifa Boarding School is thoroughly conducted by involving several aspects. Therefore, many aspects were analyzed and many relevant people were involved as well. The aspects evaluated are presence, regular worship, character, material, organization, personality, final achievement, and conclusion.

KEY WORD: Internalization; Character Education; Integrated Islamic Boarding School; Habituation; Role Model. 

RESUME: “Internalisasi Pendidikan Karakter di SMPIT As-Syifa Boarding School”. Mayoritas orang tua selalu menyadari hasil tes anak-anak, peringkat, dan skor daripada mendukung mereka untuk membangun karakter dan memiliki perilaku yang baik. Mereka merasa sangat kecewa jika anak-anak mereka tidak pandai dalam mata pelajaran akademik. Sebaliknya, sikap buruk anak-anak tidak mempengaruhi orang tua untuk membantu anak-anak meningkatkan karakter moral mereka. Ini adalah salah satu indikator bahwa mereka mengabaikan tanggung jawab mereka untuk mengembangkan nilai-nilai moral pada anak-anak. Studi ini berusaha untuk mendeskripsikan hasil penelitian tentang internalisasi pendidikan karakter di SMPIT (Sekolah Menengah Pertama Islam Terpadu) As-Syifa Boarding School di Subang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa SMPIT As-Syifa Boarding School menerapkan sepuluh kualitas karakter siswa; pencapaian pendidikan karakter adalah tanggung jawab bersama (seluruh civitas akademika di SMPIT As-Syifa Boarding School, orang tua, dan lingkungan); proses internalisasi pendidikan karakter dilakukan melalui empat metode, yaitu: sosialisasi, pengajaran dan pembelajaran, pembiasaan, dan panutan; serta evaluasi internalisasi pendidikan karakter di SMPIT As-Syifa Boarding School dilakukan dengan melibatkan beberapa aspek. Oleh karena itu, banyak aspek dianalisis dan banyak orang yang relevan juga dilibatkan. Aspek-aspek yang dievaluasi adalah kehadiran, ibadah rutin, karakter, material, organisasi, kepribadian, prestasi akhir, dan kesimpulan.

KATA KUNCI: Internalisasi; Pendidikan Karakter; Pendidikan Islam Terpadu; Pembiasaan; Panutan.

About the Author: Asep Sopian, M.Ag. is a Senior Lecturer at the Arabic Education Department FPBS UPI (Faculty of Language and Literature Education, Indonesia University of Education), Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung 40154, West Java, Indonesia. E-mail address at:

Suggested Citation: Sopian, Asep. (2018). “Internalization of Character Education in the SMPIT As-Syifa Boarding School” in SOSIOHUMANIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Volume 11(1), May, pp.47-62. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press and UNIPA Surabaya, ISSN 1979-0112.

Article Timeline: Accepted (September 19, 2017); Revised (March 24, 2018); and Published (May 30, 2018).


Internalization; Character Education; Integrated Islamic Boarding School; Habituation; Role Model

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