EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies. This journal, with ISSN 1979-7877 (print) and ISSN 2621-587X (online), was firstly published on August 17, 2008, in the context to commemorate the Independence Day in Indonesia. The EDUCARE journal was managed and organized by the Lecturers of FKIP UMP (Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto) in Central Java, Indonesia, since Edition of February 2009 to Edition of February 2016; and published by Minda Masagi Suci; ASPENSI (International Association for Historians and History Educators) in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia; and BRIMAN (Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia Academic Network) Institute in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, since issue of February 2018 to date.

The EDUCARE journal is published every February and August. This journal is dedicated not only for Indonesian scholars who concern about educational studies, but also welcome to the scholars of Southeast Asian countries and around the World who care and share related to the educational studies in general. 

The EDUCARE journal is devoted, but not limited to, primary education, secondary education, higher education, teacher education, special education, adult education, non-formal education, and any new development and advancement in the field of education. The scope of our journal includes: (1) Language and literature education; (2) Social science education; (3) Sports and health education; (4) Economy and business education; (5) Math and natural science education; (6) Vocational and engineering education; and (7) Visual arts, dance, music, and design education.

Since 2018, the website of EDUCARE journal has been migrated from web based on WP (Word Press) program towards the web based on OJS (Open Journal System) program at: However, the conventional e-mail address for sending the articles is still able to: and

Journal Homepage Image

Foreword for
EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies,
Volume 14, Number 1, August 2021.

Jose M. Ocampo, Jr., Ph.D.
An Expert Reviewer Board Member of EDUCARE Journal in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia; and a Lecturer at the College of Teacher Development, Faculty of Education Sciences PNU (Philippine Normal University) in Manila, the Philippines. E-mail: 

During the advent of lockdowns due to COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease-2019) pandemic, one of the hardest hit was the system of education. Most education leaders were caught unaware of the impact of the sudden shift from traditional face to face to distance or online learning modalities. There was reticence to hold and attend the classes using hard and soft instructional materials. Some schools were quick to conduct synchronous and asynchronous sessions. Online platforms, such as Google Meet, Zoom, MS Teams, Canvas, and several others, suddenly became hot potatoes; while computers, cellphones, and other gadgets became even more in demand.

These are only some thoughts in the past, but now an overwhelming reality. On this account, issues on mental health among administrators, teachers, students, and parents emerged to require immediate, but careful attention. The influx of requests and referrals for different counseling services was persistent from the beginning up to the end of the school calendar. Schools, therefore, got eroded with series of webinars.

What lies ahead of us for the next school year? The situation could be the same and we cannot afford to make another round of variable school interruptions. As COVID-19 seems to have inherent tendencies to reproduce in different names or variants, we shall continue to make adjustments. While a multitude of school’s stakeholders, for example teachers, students, and their carriers, deserve sleeker rules, they shall continue to observe their covenant geared towards teaching and learning. Thus, schools need to be nurturing and inclusive.

Teachers shall remain faithful to creativity in finding ways, in order to meet the learning and instructional needs of students. In the same manner, students have to be resourceful and honest as they perform their responsibility as learners. To cushion the impact of workloads towards these stakeholders, along with other sectors, they shall be reinforced to share resources and be ready to offer help for others. Infused with this once in a lifetime situation, we are currently in, the same shall provide us, a compelling reason to create more knowledge. Hence, our observations have to be described, so that our curiosities will be explained.

There are also articles in the EDUCARE international journal, August 2021 edition, which examine the learning process in this era of the COVID-19 pandemic. Article written by Dede, Ade Gaffar Abdullah & Budi Mulyanti of Indonesia, entitled “Augmented Reality Based Digital Practicum Card Design and Implementation during the COVID-19 Pandemic”; and article written by Susanti of Indonesia, entitled “Online Class Discussion and Social Presence to Boost Academic Performance of English Subject Amid COVID-19 Outbreak”, showed that, in one hand, practical learning activities cannot be carried out in workshop laboratories, due to the very dangerous COVID-19 attack; while, in other hand, unconvinient atmosphere of pandemi COVID-19 has caused all schools and campuses closed, then learners have online learning to follow the social distancing.

The rest of the articles study a lot about mitigation issues for natural disasters, and of course their relation to the world of education; national assessments and examinations; and effective communication in the learning process. Article written by Marites C. Geronimo & Meah L. Gonzaga of the Philippines, entitled “Exploring Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness of Rural Communities”, for example, explained about the general response in terms of the level of disaster mitigation and preparedness is “in the process”. Most of the respondents have acquired information on general emergency preparedness with TV reports as the most common source of information and television as the most effective means of receiving information.

Article written by Oyeyemi Jumoke Jekayinfa & Aminat Ozohu Aburime of Nigeria, entitled “Comparative Analysis of WAEC and NECO SSCE English Language Results in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria”, showed that majority of the respondents sampled passed English Language in WAEC (West African Examinations Council) at credit level for the year 2018 and 2019, while the performance of students in NECO (National Examinations Council) is positively related and comparable in English Language.

And last, but not least, article written by Rini Susilowati, Erni Furwanti & Panji Nurul Fath of Indonesia, entitled “Developing Effective Communication in Education Perspective Based on Religion, Philosophy, Psychology, and Sociology: An Analysis Study at TKIT Al-Fitrah”, explained about the communication process can take place between superiors to subordinates, fellow colleagues, in teaching and learning or even communication between the school and parents. Here, it is necessary to deliver an effective message.

Do enjoy reading the EDUCARE journal and hopefully you will derive much benefit from it. 

Manila, Philippines: August 30, 2021.

Cover of EDUCARE Journal, Edition of August 2021:

Organized and Published by:


Minda Masagi Suci and ASPENSI (International Association for Historians and History Educators) in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Website:

The website of KEMENRISTEKDIKTI RI (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia) in Jakarta related to the scholarly journals is also available online at:

Vol 14, No 1 (2021)

Table of Contents


Marites C Geronimo, Meah L Gonzaga
Abstract views: 2380       PDF downloads: 607
Dede Dede, Ade Gaffar Abdullah, Budi Mulyanti
Abstract views: 958       PDF downloads: 249
Susanti Susanti
Abstract views: 1406       PDF downloads: 274
Oyeyemi Jumoke Jekayinfa, Aminat Ozohu Aburime
Abstract views: 2636       PDF downloads: 653
Rini Susilowati, Erni Furwanti, Panji Nurul Fath
Abstract views: 1252       PDF downloads: 418
Editor Journal EDUCARE
Abstract views: 416       PDF downloads: 120
Editor Journal EDUCARE
Abstract views: 442       PDF downloads: 128
Editor Journal EDUCARE
Abstract views: 448       PDF downloads: 106