A Lifelong Learning Model to Encourage Positive Change in the Thinking Paradigm of Urban Poor Women's Communities
ABSTRACT: Lifelong learning provides equal and broad opportunities for anyone according to his or her interest, age, and learning needs. The research adopted a prospective-qualitative approach with Delphi-Ethnographic technique. Data were collected using review of the peer-reviewed literature, in-depth interview, FGD (Focus Group Discussion), and mini-Delphi questionnaire. The research subjects consisted of elements of bureaucracy, academia, practitioners, NFE (Non-Formal Education) program alumni, and community leaders in West Java, Indonesia. The findings show that: (1) Historically, the concept of lifelong learning in the local and national literature is inseparable from the process of human civilization, including the women's community; (2) Basically, academicians share the same perspective on the development and strategies of lifelong learning program for urban poor women community, as shown by the similar characteristics shared by the various lifelong learning programs; (3) A lifelong learning tentative model, that is oriented to the women community, follows a number of learning phases as is commonly done in the implementation of a learning program; and (4) Support for lifelong learning policies, which are responsive and sides to poor women, can be realized by establishing a Commission of Lifelong Learning at the national level to the lowest governmental unit, and forming Lifelong Learning Work Team involving elements of governmental and non-governmental institutions.
KEY WORD: Lifelong Learning; Poor Women Community; Positive Thinking Paradigm.
RINGKASAN: “Model Belajar Sepanjang Hayat untuk Mendorong Perubahan Paradigma Berfikir Positif Komunitas Perempuan Miskin di Perkotaan”. Pembelajaran sepanjang hayat memberikan kesempatan yang sama dan luas bagi siapa saja sesuai dengan minat, usia, dan kebutuhan belajarnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif prospektif, dengan metode Delphi-Etnografik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis isi literatur, wawancara mendalam, FGD (Kelompok Diskusi Terpumpun), dan kuesioner mini-Delphi. Subjek penelitian terdiri atas unsur birokrasi, akademisi, praktisi, lulusan PLS (Pendidikan Luar Sekolah), dan tokoh masyarakat di Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Konsep belajar sepanjang hayat dalam konteks literatur lokal dan nasional, secara historis, tidak terlepas dari proses pembangunan peradaban manusia, termasuk di dalamnya komunitas perempuan; (2) Perspektif akademisi tentang pengembangan program belajar sepanjang hayat dan strategi pengembangannya bagi komunitas perempuan miskin di perkotaan ditunjukkan dengan adanya keberagaman program yang pada dasarnya memiliki karakteristik yang hampir sama; (3) Model tentatif belajar sepanjang hayat, yang diorientasikan bagi komunitas perempuan, mengikuti sejumlah tahapan belajar sebagaimana yang biasa dilakukan dalam penyelenggaraan program pembelajaran; serta (4) Dukungan kebijakan belajar sepanjang hayat, yang responsif dan berpihak kepada perempuan miskin, dapat direalisasikan dengan cara membentuk Komisioner Belajar Sepanjang Hayat pada level nasional sampai unit pemeritah terbawah, dan membentuk Tim Kerja Belajar Sepanjang Hayat yang melibatkan unsur pemerintah maupun non-pemerintah.
KATA KUNCI: Belajar Sepanjang Hayat; Komunitas Perempuan Miskin; Paradigma Berfikir Positif.
About the Author: Dr. Joni Rahmat Pramudia is a Lecturer at the Department of Community Education, Faculty of Educational Science UPI (Indonesia University of Education), Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung 40154, West Java, Indonesia. For academic interests, the Author is able to be contacted via e-mail address at: jonirp@upi.edu
Suggested Citation: Pramudia, Joni Rahmat. (2020). “A Lifelong Learning Model to Encourage Positive Change in the Thinking Paradigm of Urban Poor Women's Communities” in ATIKAN: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan, Volume 10(1), June, pp.57-74. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI with print-ISSN 2088-1290 and online-ISSN 2714-6243.
Article Timeline: Accepted (December 27, 2019); Revised (April 21, 2020); and Published (June 30, 2020).
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.2121/atikan-journal.v10i1.1323
DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.2121/atikan-journal.v10i1.1323.g1150
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