Self-Determination Intervention Program for the Enhancement of the Attitude and Achievement of High School Underachieving Students

Joy Angelle B Remojo, Jose M Ocampo, Jr., Armina B Mangaoil


ABSTRACT: An intervention program was developed for underachieving students using a Self-Determination approach to determine its effectiveness in enhancing their attitudes and academic achievement. Self-Determination Model was used as a guide for the program. The components were: Know Yourself and Your Environment; Value Yourself; Plan; Act; and Experience Outcomes and Learn. The SAMS (Study Attitude and Methods Survey) was also used to assess students’ attitudes pertaining to Academic Interest-Love of Learning; Academic Drive-Conformity; Study Anxiety; Manipulation; and Alienation towards Authority and their Study Method. After the program, the scores of the participants significantly increased in the dimensions of Academic Interest-Love of Learning; Academic Drive-Conformity; and Study Methods using an alpha level of .05. However, there was no significant increase of scores in the dimensions of Study Anxiety, Lack of Manipulation, and Alienation towards Authority. On the other hand, the increase in general average of students in the third quarter was significant at .05 alpha level. It was conclusive that the program was effective in enhancing underachievers’ attitudes pertaining to Academic Interest, Academic Drive, and Study Methods, but not to Study Anxiety and Manipulation. The program also improved students’ academic performance in the third grading period.

KEY WORD: Self-Determination; Underachieving Students; Attitudes; Achievement. 

RINGKASAN: “Program Intervensi Penentuan oleh Diri Sendiri untuk Peningkatan Sikap dan Prestasi Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Berkemampuan Rendah”. Program intervensi dikembangkan untuk siswa berkemampuan rendah dengan menggunakan pendekatan Penentuan oleh Diri Sendiri bagi menentukan efektivitasnya dalam meningkatkan sikap dan prestasi akademik mereka. Model Penentuan oleh Diri Sendiri digunakan sebagai panduan untuk program ini. Komponennya adalah: Kenali Diri Sendiri dan Lingkungan Anda; Hargai Diri Anda; Rencana; Bertindak; dan Pengalaman Hasil dan Belajar. Sikap Belajar dan Metode Survei juga digunakan untuk menilai sikap siswa terkait dengan Minat Akademik-Cinta Belajar; Kenyamanan secara Akademik; Kegelisahan Belajar; Manipulasi; dan Keterasingan terhadap Otoritas dan Metode Belajar mereka. Setelah program berlangsung, skor peserta meningkat secara signifikan dalam dimensi Minat Akademik-Cinta Belajar; Kenyamanan secara Akademik; dan Metode Belajar dengan menggunakan tingkat alpha 0.05. Namun, tidak ada peningkatan skor yang signifikan dalam dimensi Kegelisahan Belajar, Kurangnya Manipulasi, dan Keterasingan terhadap Otoritas. Di sisi lain, peningkatan rata-rata umum siswa pada kuartal ketiga signifikan pada tingkat 0.05 alpha. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa program ini efektif dalam meningkatkan sikap para siswa yang berkemampuan rendah sehubungan dengan Minat Akademik, Kemajuan Akademik, dan Metode Belajar, tetapi tidak untuk Kegelisahan dan Manipulasi Belajar. Program ini juga dapat meningkatkan prestasi akademik siswa pada periode penilaian ketiga.

KATA KUNCI: Penentuan oleh Diri Sendiri; Siswa Berkemampuan Rendah; Sikap; Prestasi.


About the Authors: Joy Angelle B. Remojo, R.Pm. is a Registered Psychometrician of St. Joseph Academy of Sariaya, Quezon, Philippines. Jose M. Ocampo, Jr., Ph.D. is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Education Sciences PNU (Philippine Normal University) in Manila, the Philippines. Armina B. Mangaoil is a Full Professor at the PNU in Manila, the Philippines, and presently handling Psychology Subjects in Tertiary and Master’s level. Authors’ e-mails: and 

Suggested Citation: Remojo, Joy Angelle B., Jose M. Ocampo, Jr. & Armina B. Mangaoil. (2018). “Self-Determination Intervention Program for the Enhancement of the Attitude and Achievement of High School Underachieving Students” in ATIKAN: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan, Volume 8(2), December, pp.127-140. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press, ISSN 2088-1290.

Article Timeline: Accepted (June 1, 2018); Revised (October 28, 2018); and Published (December 30, 2018).


Self-Determination; Underachieving Students; Attitudes; Achievement

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