Psychological Factors and the Academic Performance among High School Students: Basis for Academic Self-Engagement Program
ABSTRACT: Students, as learners, must develop not only their intelligence but also non-intellective factors in the education or learning process. The purpose of the study was to identify the different psychological factors, specifically the study habits, attitudes, and methods which in a way influence the academic performance of students, particularly in English and Mathematics subjects among Third Year High School Students in one of the private schools in Manila, the Philippines. The descriptive and documentary method of research were generated for the qualitative analysis. The findings showed that in terms of study habits and attitudes, students are prompt in completing academic assignments and free from wasteful delay and distractions. While for their study methods, it was reflected that students have academic drive which refers to the persistence and determination to succeed in academic work. Moreover, the academic self-engagement program was designed to help the students improved the following non-intellective factors which obtained the lowest mean, particularly students’ cooperation with the educational practices and requirements; inclination to use influence and playing up to the teacher to gain special consideration; and the feeling of being isolated or rejected in the academic environment manifested by hostility which affect an academic performance.
KEY WORD: Study Habits; Academic Performance; Teacher Approval.
INTISARI: “Faktor-faktor Psikologis dan Kinerja Akademik di Kalangan Siswa Sekolah Menengah: Dasar untuk Program Keterlibatan Diri Akademik”. Siswa, sebagai peserta didik, harus mengembangkan tidak hanya kecerdasan mereka tetapi juga faktor non-intelektif dalam proses pendidikan atau pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor psikologis yang berbeda, khususnya kebiasaan belajar, sikap, dan metode belajar yang mempengaruhi kinerja akademik siswa, terutama dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dan Matematika pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Tahun Ketiga di salah satu sekolah swasta di Manila, Filipina. Metode penelitian deskriptif dan dokumenter dihasilkan untuk analisis kualitatif. Hasil temuan menunjukan bahwa dalam hal kebiasaan belajar dan sikap, siswa cepat dalam menyelesaikan tugas akademik dan bebas dari keterlambatan dan gangguan. Sedangkan untuk metode belajar mereka, tercermin bahwa siswa memiliki dorongan akademis yang mengacu pada ketekunan dan tekad untuk berhasil dalam pekerjaan akademik. Selain itu, program keterlibatan diri akademik dirancang untuk membantu siswa meningkatkan faktor-faktor non-intelektif yang memperoleh nilai rata-rata terendah, terutama kerja sama siswa dalam praktek dan persyaratan pendidikan; kecenderungan untuk menggunakan pengaruh dan bermain dengan guru agar mendapatkan pertimbangan khusus; serta perasaan terisolasi atau ditolak oleh lingkungan akademik yang termanifestasikan dalam permusuhan yang mempengaruhi kinerja akademik.
KATA KUNCI: Kebiasaan Belajar; Kinerja Akademik; Persetujuan Guru.
About the Author: Prof. Armina B. Mangaoil is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences PNU (Philippine Normal University) in Manila, the Philippines. For academic interests, the author is able to be contacted via e-mail at:
Suggested Citation: Mangaoil, Armina B. (2018). “Psychological Factors and the Academic Performance among High School Students: Basis for Academic Self-Engagement Program” in SIPATAHOENAN: South-East Asian Journal for Youth, Sports & Health Education, Volume 4(2), October, pp.139-150. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI with a print-ISSN 2407-7348.
Article Timeline: Accepted (June 1, 2018); Revised (August 17, 2018); and Published (October 30, 2018).
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