Telaah Kritis terhadap Program PGPJ (Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Jasmani) di Indonesia

Agus Mahendra


IKHTISAR: Isu penting dalam dunia pendidikan kita dewasa ini adalah bagaimana upaya pendidikan dan pengajaran di sekolah mampu memberikan sumbangan berarti pada upaya peningkatan kualitas manusia Indonesia. Sementara itu, penerapan Kurikulum 2013 di sekolah menuntut guru, khususnya guru Penjas (Pendidikan Jasmani), untuk memahami paradigma filosofis tentang kurikulum tersebut. Hal yang paling utama, yang harus dilakukan, adalah melakukan perubahan “mindset” tentang posisi guru, disertai dengan seluruh konsekuensi penerapan model pembelajarannya. Dari pengamatan sepintas, guru Penjas mengalami “shock” yang paling besar, mengingat tuntutan kurikulum baru mengarah pada perubahan cara dan setting pembelajaran Penjas di sekolah, yang jika tidak diwaspadai akan mengubah ciri unik Penjas menjadi pembelajaran yang kehilangan ruh gerak dan manfaat langsungnya. Penelusuran lebih lanjut mengindikasikan bahwa kelemahan guru Penjas dalam mengimplementasikan Kurikulum 2013 mensyaratkan adanya reformasi mendasar dalam penyiapan guru Penjas dalam program PGPJ (Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Jasmani). Artikel ini memberikan telaah kritis terhadap kecenderungan program PGPJ di Indonesia dan upaya memperbaikinya.

KATA KUNCI: Kurikulum 2013, pendidikan guru pendidikan jasmani, teori kurikulum pendidikan jasmani, orientasi pendidikan guru, dan perbaikan program.

ABSTRACT: Critical Review on the PETE (Physical Education Teacher Education) Program in Indonesia”. An important issue in our education today is how the efforts of education and teaching in the school are able to provide significant contributions to improving the quality of Indonesian people. Meanwhile, the implementation of the new “2013 Curriculum” at schools has demanded teachers, specifically PE (Physical Education) teachers, to comprehend a sound philosophy paradigm of the pertaining issue. The primary things to do is to carry out a mindset change of the teacher position, allowing them to reform the teaching and elaborating new instructional models to be implemented. From a glance looks in the field, it is deemed that PE teachers are those who are of the most shocked party, considering that the new curriculum demanded a radical changes in the way they teach and different setting of learning processes, which in turn, if nothing substantial action to be taken, the PE learning process will automatically miss its unique spirit and contribution that commonly characterized by active movement and its benefits for the children. Further investigation on this indicates that the ineffectiveness of PE teachers in implementing new curriculum requires a sound reformation on the teacher preparation of PETE (Physical Education Teacher Education) program. This article is trying to strike a critical recommendation on how PETE program in Indonesia should be improved.

KEY WORD: Curriculum 2013, physical education teacher education, curriculum theory of physical education , teacher education orientation, and improving the program

About the Author: Agus Mahendra, M.A. adalah Dosen di Jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga FPOK UPI (Fakultas Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia), Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Untuk kepentingan akademik, penulis bisa dihubungi dengan alamat emel:

How to cite this article? Mahendra, Agus. (2014). “Telaah Kritis terhadap Program PGPJ (Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Jasmani) di Indonesia” in ATIKAN: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan, Vol.4(2) December, pp.227-238. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press, FKIP UNSUR Cianjur, and FPOK UPI Bandung, ISSN 2088-1290.  

Chronicle of the article: Accepted (December 1, 2014); Revised (December 8, 2014); and Published (December 27, 2014).

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