Aplikasi Teknik WDEP terhadap Pelajar Bimbang yang Melampau
IKHTISAR: Kajian kes ini bertujuan untuk melihat keberkesanan pengaplikasian teknik WDEP, iaitu “Want”, kemahuan; “Doing and direction”, tindakan dan arah tuju; “Evaluation”, penilaian; dan “Plan”, perancangan, terhadap klien yang mengalami masalah kebimbangan melampau akibat melahirkan anak luar nikah. Klien adalah pelajar tahun akhir dan tergolong dalam kumpulan “percubaan” (keputusan PNGK kurang dari 2.0). Klien tanpa dirujuk dan secara sukarela datang berjumpa kaunselor selepas selamat melahirkan anak. Klien melalui enam sesi kaunseling individu, termasuk satu sesi pra. Setiap sesi mengambil masa lebih-kurang antara satu hingga dua jam. Kaunselor mengaplikasikan teknik WDEP yang bertujuan untuk mengurangkan rasa bimbang yang melampau dalam diri klien. Hasil dari sesi kaunseling individu menunjukkan bahawa klien berjaya mengubah pemikiran negatif dan tingkah-laku kepada lebih positif. Klien juga berjaya mengurangkan rasa kebimbangan melampau, di samping dapat mengawal emosi dan perasaan negatif selepas melalui sesi kaunseling individu. Kesimpulannya, klien mengakui bahawa sesi kaunseling telah membantu beliau untuk menghadapi masa depan dengan cara yang lebih positif dan praktikal.
KATA KUNCI: Teknik WDEP, kebimbangan, pelajar universiti, mengawal emosi, kaunseling individu, serta sikap positif dan praktikal.
ABSTRACT: “The Application of WDEP Technique towards the Suffers Extreme Anxiety Students”. This case study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of applying WDEP (Want, Doing and direction, Evaluation, and Plan) technique towards client who suffers extreme anxiety due to give birth out of wedlock. The client was a final year student and considered as a “trial” student (CGPA less than 2.0). The client approached counselor voluntarily and seek for counseling service immediately after giving her birth. She went through six individual counseling sessions, including a pre-session. Each session lasted for approximately one to two hours. The counselor applied WDEP technique that aims to reduce the extreme anxiety within the client. The result from the individual session conducted shows that the client managed to change her negative perceptions, thinking, and behavior to a more positive way. She turned to be more positive in reducing her extreme anxiety and was quite stable in her emotions and feelings. Thus, the client admitted that the individual counseling sessions had helped her to face her future in a more positive way.
KEY WORD: WDEP technique, anxiety, university student, managing emotion, individual counseling, and more positive way.
About the Author: Prof. Madya Dr. Abdul Rashid Mohamad ialah Pensyarah Kanan Bimbingan dan Kaunseling di Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan USM (Universiti Sains Malaysia), Minden, 11800 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Bagi urusan sebarang akademik, penulis boleh dihubungi dengan alamat emel: rash@usm.my atau abra808@gmail.com
How to cite this article? Rashid Mohamad, Abdul. (2014). “Aplikasi Teknik WDEP terhadap Pelajar Bimbang yang Melampau” in ATIKAN: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan, Vol. 4(1) June, pp.25-34. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press and UNSUR Cianjur, ISSN 2088-1290.
Chronicle of the article: Accepted (October 30, 2013); Revised (February 15, 2014); and Published (June 29, 2014).
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.2121/atikan-journal.v4i1.152
DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.2121/atikan-journal.v4i1.152.g151
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