Effect of Integrated Feedback on Teaching Competency of Secondary School Teachers

Nilesh Kumar Patel, Sushil Kumar Tyagi


ABSTRACT: The teachers are expected to teach for understanding rather than merely rote learning. Therefore, the concept of good teaching has been gradually shifted from behaviorist to a more constructivist view. This is why the efforts for improvement and advancement of teaching were made in earlier decades and in future, and more studies and efforts are needed. Integrated feedback based on student evaluation towards teachers and teachers’ self-evaluation was taken independent variable in the present study. Teaching competency of secondary school teachers was dependent variable in the study. This study was experimental in nature and non-equivalent control group design, suggested by Donald T. Campbell & Julian C. Stanley (1963) and other scholars, were adopted for the study. Sample of the study comprised of 77 secondary school teachers and 220 students of four CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) affiliated English medium school of Indore city in India. It was sampled purposively. Null hypotheses were formulated. One-way ANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance) and 2X2 factorial design ANCOVA were used for data analysis. Hypotheses were tested at level of significance with α = 0.05. Interactional effect of treatment with Intelligence, Gender, Job Satisfaction, and Experience of Teachers were also studied. The treatment was found effective on teaching competency of secondary school teachers. Finally, the study has great uses for teachers, students, and school administrators.

KEY WORD: Student Evaluation on Teachers; Teachers’ Self-Evaluation; Teaching Competency; Integrated Feedback. 

RINGKASAN: “Pengaruh Umpan Balik Terpadu terhadap Kompetensi Mengajar Guru-guru Sekolah Menengah”. Para guru diharapkan mengajar untuk memahami daripada sekadar belajar menghafal. Oleh karena itu, konsep pengajaran yang baik secara bertahap telah bergeser dari behavioris ke pandangan yang lebih konstruktivis. Inilah sebabnya mengapa upaya untuk peningkatan dan kemajuan pengajaran dilakukan pada dekade sebelumnya dan di masa depan, serta diperlukan lebih banyak studi dan upaya. Umpan balik terpadu berdasarkan evaluasi siswa terhadap guru dan evaluasi diri guru itu sendiri diambil sebagai variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini. Kompetensi mengajar guru-guru sekolah menengah adalah variabel terikat dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian bersifat eksperimental dan desain kelompok kontrol non-setara, yang disarankan oleh Donald T. Campbell & Julian C. Stanley (1963) dan sarjana lain, diadopsi untuk penelitian ini. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 77 guru sekolah menengah dan 220 siswa dari empat sekolah menengah CBSE (Dewan Sekolah) yang berafiliasi dengan bahasa Inggris di kota Indore, India. Sampel diambil secara acak dan bersetujuan. Hipotesis nol dirumuskan. ANCOVA (Analisis Kovarian) satu arah dan desain faktorial 2X2 ANCOVA digunakan untuk analisis data. Hipotesis diuji pada tingkat signifikansi dengan α = 0.05. Pengaruh interaksional dari perlakuan terhadap Kecerdasan, Gender, Kepuasan Kerja, dan Pengalaman Guru juga dipelajari. Perlakuan ditemukan efektif pada kompetensi mengajar guru-guru sekolah menengah. Akhirnya, studi ini sangat bermanfaat bagi para guru, siswa, dan administrator sekolah.

KATA KUNCI: Evaluasi Siswa terhadap Guru; Evaluasi Diri Guru; Kompetensi Mengajar; Umpan Balik Terpadu.


About the Authors: Dr. Nilesh Kumar Patel is a Principal at the Vidyasagar College, DA (Devi Ahilya) University, Indore, India. Prof. Dr. Sushil Kumar Tyagi is a Dean at the School of Education, DA (Devi Ahilya) University, Indore, India. For academic interest, the authors are able to be contacted via their e-mails address at: nktp12374@gmail.com and sktyagi.sk@gmail.com

Suggested Citation: Patel, Nilesh Kumar & Sushil Kumar Tyagi. (2018). “Effect of Integrated Feedback on Teaching Competency of Secondary School Teachers” in ATIKAN: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan, Volume 8(2), December, pp.85-98. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press, ISSN 2088-1290.

Article Timeline: Accepted (October 28, 2018); Revised (November 29, 2018); and Published (December 30, 2018).


Student Evaluation on Teachers; Teachers’ Self-Evaluation; Teaching Competency; Integrated Feedback

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.2121/atikan-journal.v8i2.1154

DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.2121/atikan-journal.v8i2.1154.g1027


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