Exploring the Education Agenda of the 16th Congress of the Philippines

Arthur S Abulencia


ABSTRACT: Every leadership and administration of the Philippines faces gargantuan challenges that relate to education. With the growing younger population, the need to properly educate the young people as future citizens and leaders of this country is an insurmountable task. The 16th Congress of the Philippines was not remiss of its main function to initiate policies and pass critical laws that will widen access to education. This qualitative study employed documentary analysis in exploring the legislative agenda on education of the 16th Philippine Congress. The data were culled from the websites of relevant government agencies, such as the Senate and the House of Representatives. After the analysis of the thick and rich data, 13 major themes emerged, namely: (1) enhancing curricular programs; (2) promoting student’s rights; (3) promoting the rights and welfare of teachers; (4) strengthening teacher training; (5) support to alternative learning system and special education; (6) galvanizing technical-vocational training; (7) enhancing school administration; (8) reinforcing open and distance education; (9) rehabilitating school facilities; (10) improving early childhood education; (11) supporting stakeholder’s participation; (12) creating/converting/separating schools/colleges; and (13) cultivating culture and heritage. The study showed that there were diverse agenda on education that were designed to improve the delivery of education, improve rights and welfare of teachers and students, mobilize resources for education, and strengthen accountability. 

KEY WORD: Education Legislative Agenda; Curricular Enhancement; Student’s Rights; Teacher’s Rights; Philippine Congress. 

RINGKASAN: “Mengeksplorasi Agenda Pendidikan dari Kongres ke-16 di Filipina”. Setiap kepemimpinan dan pemerintahan Filipina menghadapi tantangan besar yang berhubungan dengan pendidikan. Dengan pertumbuhan pendudukan muda, kebutuhan untuk mendidik generasi muda dengan baik sebagai warga negara masa depan dan pemimpin negara adalah tugas yang tidak mudah diatasi. Kongres Filipina ke-16 tidak lengah dari fungsi utamanya untuk memulai kebijakan dan meloloskan undang-undang penting yang akan memperluas akses ke dunia pendidikan. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan analisis dokumenter untuk mengeksplorasi agenda legislatif tentang pendidikan dari Kongres ke-16 di Filipina. Data diambil dari situs web lembaga pemerintah yang relevan, seperti Senat dan Dewan Perwakilan. Setelah analisis data secara rinci dan kaya, 13 tema utama muncul, yaitu: (1) meningkatkan program kurikuler; (2) mempromosikan hak siswa; (3) mempromosikan hak dan kesejahteraan guru; (4) memperkuat pelatihan guru; (5) dukungan untuk sistem pembelajaran alternatif dan pendidikan khusus; (6) menggembleng pelatihan teknis kejuruan; (7) meningkatkan administrasi sekolah; (8) memperkuat pendidikan terbuka dan jarak jauh; (9) merehabilitasi fasilitas sekolah; (10) meningkatkan pendidikan anak usia dini; (11) mendukung partisipasi pemangku kepentingan; (12) menciptakan/mengubah/memisahkan sekolah/perguruan tinggi; dan (13) menumbuhkan budaya dan warisan. Studi ini menunjukan bahwa ada beragam agenda pendidikan yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan pendidikan, meningkatkan hak dan kesejahteraan guru serta siswa, memobilisasi sumber daya untuk pendidikan, serta memperkuat akuntabilitas.

KATA KUNCI: Agenda Legislatif Pendidikan; Peningkatan Kurikulum; Hak-hak Siswa; Hak-hak Guru; Kongres Filipina.

About the Author: Arthur S. Abulencia is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences PNU (Philippine Normal University), Taft Avenue, Manila 1000, the Philippines. For academic interests, the author is able to be contacted via e-mail at: abulencia.as@pnu.edu.ph

Suggested Citation: Abulencia, Arthur S. (2018). “Exploring the Education Agenda of the 16th Congress of the Philippines” in ATIKAN: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan, Volume 8(1), Juni, pp.41-58. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press, ISSN 2088-1290.

Article Timeline: Accepted (October 28, 2017); Revised (January 25, 2018); and Published (June 30, 2018).


Education Legislative Agenda; Curricular Enhancement; Student’s Rights; Teacher’s Rights; Philippine Congress

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.2121/atikan-journal.v8i1.1030

DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.2121/atikan-journal.v8i1.1030.g926


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