Learning Struggles in Math and Their Behavior Manifestations among Children at Home

Jose M Ocampo, Jr., Laura V Ocampo, Melody P Cruz


ABSTRACT: Children need to be aware of their learning needs as well as how they can have these learning needs met. The facilitation of learning is incumbent on how learners would receive, process, and retain new and difficult information. Learning is influenced by a lot of factors. These factors include daily experiences, physical activities, love, and care that the child receives. The relevance of the study extends to the fact that the findings should serve as a spring board for proposing modifications or adjustments on teaching strategies in order to address learning struggles. This case study aimed to identify the learning struggles in Math and behavior manifestations of 6-year-old children at home. Data were gathered using checklist and interview. The specifics of four learning struggles in Math were the following: (1) Left-to-right visual skills/Math calculations /understanding of writing symbols; (2) Focusing on test; (3) Mental Math calculations; and (4) Controlling skills/hand and eye coordination skills. Learning struggles in Math can be manifested through various bodily movements and such were grouped into four areas, namely: head, arm-hand, shoulder-waist, and waist-foot. It is recommended to conduct further research on learning struggles in Math using a larger population of school children. Likewise, research in exploring interventions to address children’s learning struggles in Math shall be conducted.

KEY WORD: Learning Struggles in Math; Behavior Manifestation; Children at Home; Children’s Parents; Teachers. 

RINGKASAN: “Berusaha Keras dalam Belajar Matematika dan Manifestasi Perilaku Anak-anak di Rumah”. Anak-anak perlu menyadari kebutuhan belajar mereka serta bagaimana mereka dapat memenuhi kebutuhan belajar tersebut. Fasilitasi pembelajaran adalah kewajiban bagaimana siswa akan menerima, memproses, dan menyimpan informasi yang baru dan sulit. Belajar dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor. Faktor-faktor ini termasuk pengalaman sehari-hari, aktivitas fisik, cinta, dan perhatian yang diterima anak. Relevansi penelitian meluas ke fakta bahwa temuan harus berfungsi sebagai titik awal untuk mengusulkan modifikasi atau penyesuaian pada strategi pengajaran dalam mengatasi usaha keras dalam belajar. Studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi usaha keras dalam belajar Matematika dan manifestasi perilaku anak-anak berusia 6 tahun di rumah. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan ceklis dan wawancara. Secara spesifik empat usaha keras dalam belajar Matematika adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Keterampilan visual kiri-ke-kanan/kalkulasi Matematika/pemahaman simbol tulisan; (2) Berfokus pada tes; (3) Perhitungan mental Matematika; dan (4) Kemampuan mengontrol/keterampilan koordinasi tangan dan mata. Usaha keras dalam belajar Matematika dapat dimanifestasikan melalui berbagai gerakan tubuh dan bisa dikelompokkan menjadi empat bidang, yaitu: kepala, tangan-lengan, bahu-pinggang, dan pinggang-kaki. Disarankan untuk melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang usaha keras dalam belajar Matematika dengan menggunakan populasi anak sekolah yang lebih besar. Demikian juga, penelitian untuk mengeksplorasi intervensi dalam mengatasi usaha keras anak-anak belajar Matematika harus dilakukan.

KATA KUNCI: Usaha Keras Belajar Matematika; Manifestasi Perilaku; Anak-anak di Rumah; Orangtua Anak-anak; Guru.


About the Authors: Prof. Jose M. Ocampo, Jr., Ph.D. is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences PNU (Philippine Normal University) in Manila, the Philippines; Laura V. Ocampo, M.A. is a Science Grade School Teacher at the Claret School, Quezon City, Philippines; and Melody P. Cruz, Ed.D. is an Assistant Schools Division Superintendent at Pasay City, Philippines. Corresponding authors: juno_6970@yahoo.com, hope4619@gmail.com, and melodypcruz@gmail.com

Suggested Citation: Ocampo, Jr., Jose M., Laura V. Ocampo & Melody P. Cruz. (2018). “Learning Struggles in Math and Their Behavior Manifestations among Children at Home” in ATIKAN: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan, Volume 8(1), Juni, pp.1-10. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press, ISSN 2088-1290.

Article Timeline: Accepted (January 30, 2018); Revised (April 1, 2018); and Published (June 30, 2018).


Learning Struggles in Math; Behavior Manifestation; Children at Home; Children’s Parents; Teachers

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.2121/atikan-journal.v8i1.1027.g923


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