Scientists and Their Society: Between Advocacy and Arbitration

Bambang Hidayat


ABSTRACT: Science is playing an increasing part in many decision making processes. It is now up to the scientists and scientific communities to advocate an importance of science in society. In doing so, we should be able to distinguish analysis from advocacy and should also be humble in remembering that good science does not necessarily produce an obvious policy main road. Our task is to ensure the maximal results, for the public at large and to offer advice to the society to gain a minimal risk. Along the line, we should be concerned of the value of good science education through formal and informal channels. One maxim that is sometimes overlooked is that we should not try to make politics more scientific. It is counter productive as it will turn science more political. More importantly, it is suggested that the following way and mechanism can be followed: (1) to improve the awareness of scientists about the current and future scientific and technical aspects of basic science; (2) to enhance scientific co-operations among developing institutions, including the exchange of scientific information; (3) to explore avenues of education, training and research on basic science subject for the benefit for people in the region; and (4) to create an “international” core group of scientists to pursue the objective of the cooperation and to link with advanced industrial countries. At the same time, our realization of the wealth of scholarly resources in the Asia-Pacific regions should grow. It is advisable, therefore, to start as a first step in the near future to pool these valuable human resources for environmental research.

KEY WORD: The scientists, roles, society, advocacy, science in society, good science education, and peace and wealth society.   

About the Author: Prof. Dr. Bambang Hidayat is a member of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI, Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia) in Jakarta; former Director of Bosscha Astronomy Observatory in Lembang, Bandung; and Professor at ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology) in West Java, Indonesia. For academic purposes, he can be reached at: and

How to cite this article? Hidayat, Bambang. (2011). “Scientists and Their Society: Between Advocacy and Arbitration” in ATIKAN: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan, Vol.1(1) Juni, pp.59-74. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI in Bandung, ISSN 2088-1290.

Chronicle of the article: Accepted (April 10, 2011); Revised (May 20, 2011); and Published (June 5, 2011).

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